Our Intentions For 2022

Our Intentions For 2022

I’ve been intending to write a post about Thriving Design’s 2022 Intentions since New Year’s Day, but life – as it does – got in the way. It's so important to take the time to write out and state your intentions, because if you don’t do it they might not happen. 

So here they are: 

When Jason asked me to help him relaunch Thriving Design at the beginning of 2020, I never imagined that we would work so well together and build up a team of awesome partners to help us grow our little business (looking at you Jeff, Marty, Amanda, Katie, Becky and Cousin Mark). 

As a start-up, despite wanting to be net zero emissions, waste and cradle-to-cradle certified, our desire for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) to be our guiding principle sometimes has to take a back seat to what we can do (and afford)!

Having said all that, here is what we’re working towards for 2022. We talk a lot about SDGs below, so we wanted to define them first. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030 and seek to mobilize global efforts around a common set of goals and targets. The SDGs call for worldwide action among governments, business and civil society to end poverty and create a life of dignity and opportunity for all, within the boundaries of the planet.

Here’s the SDGs we picked to take action on, and what we intend to do:

SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

  • Donate percentage of profits to organizations that support community agriculture and food banks (1% for Planet Membership), like Growing Gardens and Kids Gardening
  • Donate C-BITEs to community gardens
  • Work with small scale producers and family farms

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

  • Donate a percent of profits to organizations that support BIPOC communities and individuals
  • Prioritize hiring and working with people of color.
  • Educate ourselves and our team without expecting Black people to do it for us.
  • Enact a policy of zero tolerance for racist behavior and microaggressions.
  • Use our social media platforms to provide a voice and visibility to people of color.
  • Support and help elect local, state and national politicians who don’t just advocate for systematic change, but have a plan for making it happen.
  • Support black-owned businesses

SDG 13 - Climate Action

  • Donate to and volunteer at organizations that focus on climate change mitigation (I’m a board member for the Climate Trust)
  • Become Climate neutral by 2030
  • Obtain Climate Neutral Certification 

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Recycle materials used in production
  • Initiate a zero waste initiative (solid, recycling, compost)
  • Implement a C-BITE Take Back program

SDG 8 - Sustainable Development

  • Hire disabled/disadvantaged workers
  • Pay employees living wages with benefits

Some Of Our Favorite Organizations We Plan To Keep Supporting In 2022: 

So what now? We’ll keep working towards these intentions for 2022 as a company and we will keep you updated on our social media and through our monthly newsletter. Do you have something you think we should add to our list? Send me an email to morgan@thrivingdesign.com. We welcome all suggestions! 

Peace, love and flowers


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