It's Time to Grow Up! February 10, 2025Morgan Rider Okay, green thumbs (and even those of you just thinking about getting one!), let's talk about taking your garden to the next level – literally! We're diving into the wonderful world...
Don't Let Summer End! Late Season Gardening August 26, 2024Morgan Rider Fall gardening offers a unique window for extending the bounty of your harvest. With some planning and the innovative support of C-BITEs, you can reap the rewards of delicious tomatoes...
The Magic of C-BITE Garden Clips: Creating DIY Tomato Cages May 30, 2024Morgan Rider Are you a gardener looking to grow healthy, abundant tomatoes in your garden? Look no further than C-BITE garden clips to help you create custom tomato cages that will provide...
GROW INSPIRED: AUTHOR KATHY JENTZ ON URBAN GARDENING IN DC February 10, 2022Amanda Shepard Kathy Jentz is an author, podcaster, and founder of the garden magazine The Washington Gardener. When she’s not busy giving talks, attending garden events and hosting her podcast, she’s tending...
Our Intentions For 2022 January 27, 2022Amanda Shepard I’ve been intending to write a post about Thriving Design’s 2022 Intentions since New Year’s Day, but life – as it does – got in the way. It's so important...
GROW INSPIRED: KENDRA ODELIA HUTCHINS ON RESEARCH, FLOWER TRIALS AT CORNELL January 07, 2022Amanda Shepard Kendra Odelia Hutchins is a Research Support Specialist and Manager of the Annual Flower Trials at Cornell University. Besides being a part of one of our favorite alma maters (co-owner...
GROW INSPIRED: ADAPTIVE GARDENING WITH TONI GATTONE November 19, 2021Amanda Shepard Toni Gattone is a motivational speaker and author of the book, “The Lifelong Gardener, Garden with Ease & Joy at Any Age.” After being in the corporate world, Toni had...
GROW INSPIRED: LEARNING ABOUT LIGHT WITH EXPERT ERICA HERNANDEZ November 08, 2021Amanda Shepard Erica Hernandez now the Controlled Environment Agriculture Technical Specialist at Griffin Greenhouse Supplies and helps growers around the country increase their production. We were lucky enough to chat with Erica...
GROW INSPIRED: ADDING NATURE BACK TO CITIES ONE ROOF AT A TIME October 28, 2021Amanda Shepard Mark Winterer is the co-founder and owner of Recover Green Roofs, a design firm based in Boston that specializes in the design, installation, and maintenance of green roofs. They have created green...
GROW INSPIRED: ERIC FROM SMART POTS TALKS CANNABIS JOURNEY, ADVICE August 31, 2021Amanda Shepard Eric Olsen — aka @eric.smarpots — is the SW Territory Manager for Smart Pots and runs their popular social media accounts. When he’s not busy in the world of Smart Pots, he grows...
GROW INSPIRED: GARDEN EXPERT NICK FEDEROFF TALKS DIRT AND GIVES ADVICE July 22, 2021Amanda Shepard Garden expert and media personality Nick Federoff was gracious enough to chat with us about his favorite things to grow, how a fresh tomato sandwich can be an orgasmic experience, the one...