Don't Let Summer End! Late Season Gardening August 26, 2024Morgan Rider Fall gardening offers a unique window for extending the bounty of your harvest. With some planning and the innovative support of C-BITEs, you can reap the rewards of delicious tomatoes...
The Magic of C-BITE Garden Clips: Creating DIY Tomato Cages May 30, 2024Morgan Rider Are you a gardener looking to grow healthy, abundant tomatoes in your garden? Look no further than C-BITE garden clips to help you create custom tomato cages that will provide...
SUPPORT GROUP FOR YOUR TOMATO PLANTS June 23, 2020Morgan Rider From time to time, we all need a little support, and that certainly rings true for you tomato plants!
TO CUT OR NOT TO CUT -- PEONIES THAT IS June 14, 2020Amanda Shepard We’ve all been there, facing the impossible question: to cut or not to cut? With Peonies, it can be even harder to decide. Should you leave the big, puffy blooms...
NO SAGGY PLANTS (OR HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE MY PLANT CAGES.) May 15, 2020Jason Rider April showers bring, well, you know. So it’s no surprise that May is a busy month for gardeners. In addition to the poem’s requisite flowers, May also brings sprouting seeds,...
BITTERSWEET MOTHER'S DAY May 08, 2020Morgan Rider “Where flowers bloom, so does love.” - Lady Bird Johnson This Mother’s Day is bittersweet. The sweet: we started a business that grew from our hearts. The bitter:...